Questival to Remember

Have you ever wanted to do a series of challenges with your best friends with the opportunity to win amazing prizes?

Questival sponsored by Cotopaxi makes that happen!

Recently my brother, his friend and my best friend Krista all took on this challenge! And let me just tell you it was 24 hours to remember! GetFileAttachment

Disney: The Happiest Place on Earth

Disney is the obsession of many people. Maybe it’s because it’s what we grow up with, maybe they are just really good at marketing or maybe it is something so much more. I know a big Disney fans but none compare to the people in the article, “What I Discovered by Visiting Every Disney Park”.

According to this article, two people went to Disneyland every day for 366 days. I understand their love for Disney to an extent. I mean I am one of those 20th century kids raised on Disney. But I have never been obsessed or committed enough to do that…There must be something more that drives these people to go and keep going and causes Disney Theme parks to be called “the happiest place on earth”. Maybe it’s in the water?

Aaron Fulkerson (Disneyland/via Flickr)

Disneyland (Aaron Fulkerson /via Flickr)

Taylor Swift: Takes the Pop World

Taylor Swift is a well known name for many reasons such as, her music, dance moves and all of the controversy surrounding her. The most recent controversy she has been caught in is with Spotify. According to CNN, she devastated many fans by taking all of her music off of Spotify. This surprises me because Taylor normally puts her fans first.

This is not the only change is Taylor’s world. She has also gradually moved over from country to pop. Taylor is no longer the sweet little 16-year-old girl with tear drops on her guitar. She has transformed into a pop, diva shakin’ off all of her haters. I believe that change is only normal. All of Taylor’s fans who have stuck around, through this roller coaster we call life, are die hard Taylor Swift (glennt/via Flickr)and will be there till the end.

Taylor Swift (glennt/via Flickr)

America: Land of the Afraid

American Flag (Mike Mozart/Via Flickr)

American’s have a tendency to be frightened by any sign of danger. The latest scare craze, according to the article by Cheadle, Fearing Fear Itself, is the Ebola outbreak. According to the article, the governors of New Jersey and New York forced a 21 day quarantine on the health-care workers returning from West African countries, without permission from the president.

It seems these political figures, along with many others, have let fear get the best of them. I believe that a little fear is healthy. It keeps you on your feet and aware of your surroundings. But when fear becomes irrational it is not okay. We have been breed to let fear hold a leash to our lives. This leash needs to be cut. Let’s bring the brave back into our country.

Twitter: the Modern Slam Book

Twitter (Bernard Goldbach/via Flickr)

Twitter is a way to broadcast your social life to the rest of the world. It is used to air out dirty laundry, bully others, stay connected with distant friends, creep and so much more. It can be used for good and for bad. In the case of three best friends from West Virginia it was used as a tool for destruction, that eventually led to murder.

It is so important to remember that what you put on the Internet is there forever. Many teenagers and even adults like to hide behind the screen of their computers thinking that they’re indestructible, but the is not the case. Words whether in person or on the screen are hurtful. When I am posting on social media I try to think to myself what is the reason behind why I am posting this. Many more people need to check themselves before they wreck themselves because reality is the screen will not protect you.

Mums the Word

Everything is bigger in Texas, especially the mums. I mean what’s not appealing about a 10 pound ornament full of fake flowers, a teddy bear, ribbons and sparkle, lots and lots of sparkle. The mums are so heavy that many of the girls get bruises after their night of showing them off. The bigger the mum the better. They are a sign of popularity and wealth. The mums starting price is $55 and only goes up from there.

Mums may be a huge Texas homecoming tradition but are they really worth it? Many of my friends from Texas said that looking back now, it was not as important as it seemed. They said that they probably wouldn’t drop as much money on them if they had to do it again. Some people may think differently, but in my opinion that money could be better spent on pretty much anything else.

Cynthia Crawley(flickr)

Mums (photo via Cynthia Crawley/flickr)

Photography Exercise: Oklahoma State Campus